Love and Marriage: Sex and Sensuality are Keys to Success

%Genuine Spell Casting & Natural Healing Services %Dr KeithLove and Marriage: Sex and Sensuality are Keys to Success. Powerful love spells that work and marriage spells, protection spells, it’s a perfect time for couples to assess the sensuality and intimacy levels in their relationship. Many couples put their intimate sensual and

sexual relationship on the back burner and then wonder what happened to the ‘spark’ between them.

Many people do not make time for pleasure, for sexuality and sensuality. Not taking time for pleasure is among the

half-dozen enemies of sexuality.  The number one sexual saboteur, though, is stress.

Love and Marriage: Sex and Sensuality are Keys to Success! Is Sex Important in a Relationship?!Ten Secrets to a Successful Marriage!

complaints is lack of desire or imbalance between frequency and desire.  Working on basic relationship skills – how to

communicate, how to fight, how to ask for changes in behavior – often uncovers the emotional roots in lack of desire.

You’re not going to have great sex if you’re holding grudges or are angry.  Unresolved anger destroys passion.

Once couples learn to clear the air between, they usually discover they have been actually been avoiding intimacy.

Women often complain that the only time they get touched is when ‘he’ wants sex. Women often yearn for kissing

goodbye or hello, touching when watching TV, or little hugs while making dinner.  And it’s all got to do with

Many people have no idea how the hormonal differences between men and women impact their relationship on a daily basis.  Intimacy, the union between love and romance.

All couples need to establish a healthy sexual rhythm or dance that works for them.  For most people, that means some

pattern of regular sexual activity.  When couples are rarely having sex, sometimes, the problem is physical, but more