Spell to Make Someone Jealous

%Genuine Spell Casting & Natural Healing Services %Dr KeithSpell to Make Someone Jealous. Love spell caster, Revenge spell that work, wiccan spell. Not every spell is going to be all love and light.

This spell is to make this happen. This spell will make a person extremely jealous of you, you can use this on your ex,

an ex friend or someone who is your enemy. This spell should be done during the waning moon on a Friday if possible.

The colors for this spell is black and the element is lemon. Do this spell and watch for amazing results.

Spell to Make Someone Jealous

What You’ll Need:

  1. Rub the lemon and candle with three drops of star oil and infuse it with your intention.
  2. Cut the lemon in half and light the candle.
  3. Thread the needle with the black thread and chant the following; “With the thread you think of me, jealousy arisen, three by three, as I will it so mote it be, as I will it, it shall be.”
  4. Think of the person being extremely jealous of you.
  5. Let the candle burn down.

Obsession spells are perhaps some of the strongest love spells in existence. Obsession goes beyond love and lust. The

strength of the caster greatly determines the strength of the obsession created.

A love spell to make someone obsess over you is powerful magic. It is not like any other love spell that you can

master on your own. A Love spell for obsession needs a careful and effective method for it to work. If you sense your

spouse is shifting his or her attention to someone else, or he or she is ignoring you for weeks because of someone,

you can use this kind of love spell before the situation gets out of control. Obsession love spell It makes someone

obsess over you, and your name will keep coming up in his or her mind. Your love will blossom again. The good thing

about love is when someone loves you unconditionally; he or she is constantly there for you. Your personality will

attract that person to you. If your spouse is shifting his attention to someone else, this spell will make your

significant other see in you a different light. His attention will shift back to you

Spells To Destroy Relationship

%Genuine Spell Casting & Natural Healing Services %Dr KeithSpells To Destroy Relationship or to break up a relationship, lost love spell, marriage spell, revenge spell, Voodoo spell can be use to end someone’s relationship. You can use our most powerful spells to ruin a relationship for all in one solution.

To destroy a relationship, all you need is guts. You must have enough courage to destroy a relationship. But the question rises with whom you want to destroy your relationship or for whom you want to end your relationship.

One of the most challenging things in the world is destroying a relationship, especially if the link is your closet one. Reasons. Why does a person want to end a relationship? There must be a lot of reasons behind it, why a person wants to end a relationship. Such as

  • It an unlawful relationship (an extramarital affair between a husband and another woman or between a wife and another man)
  • User need to contact with your enemy
  • You must Communication with the person whom you hate most
  • If you lose interest in the person and does not bear him/her more
  • Your children fall in love with a wrong person or come in a relationship before his/her maturity
  • Someone trapped in an abusive relationship

These are all the reasons as mentioned earlier why a person wants to destroy a relationship. Apart from all of such purposes, there is one more reason behind it, which is revenge. Yes, by destroying a relationship once can take revenge.

But we would like you to do not go for this option or if you still want to go for it then get ready for the karma cycle. These spells must perform on those persons who are suffering from it. Do not use these Spells To Destroy Relationship in an evil way.

Spells To Break Up A Relationship

Spells To Break Up A Relationship, Nowadays, it is common for teenagers to break their relations with their boyfriends or girlfriends. The person who does not violate their relationship suffers the most.

Kids or teenagers become insane and start to act like a maniac person. They begin consuming alcohol, smoking, comes in a new relationship every day or week, or try to harm others. Then they do not focus on their career paths; their minds get easily divert due to the breakup

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